I HATE the cold anyway, it makes me sad and lonely to be cold, there is a reason I moved to Florida and then Texas! I have never been so happy to come back to Houston, it was glorious to see blue skies and palm trees and a complete lack of 3 foot snow drifts about. Of course the Houstonian lack of awareness that other people do in fact exist is made much more obvious after being in places where people actually realize that you are a human being and treat you as such, but you know.
Christmas loot lists seem to be the thing to do, so here is mine! First is a framed photo of B. and me from his cousin's wedding we went to last year, taken sneakily by his parents, and vying for my favorite present ever. That smile on his face makes me want to cry and sing and laugh and dance all at once, and when I am too blinded by it I look at his hands, holding me close, and oh I am going to marry him so hard!

Love love love.
The only possible contender is a letter written by my sister. This year she wrote each person in our family letters telling us how thankful she is know us, she made us all cry, especially my mom.
I got so much love for Christmas, it was more awesome than I can say.
I also got stuff though! More stuff than I can remember, actually, we shipped most of it so I get a second (actually like 14th by now) Christmas when it gets here.
But including:
Lots of pretty socks! I love socks.
A really pretty glass candle holder, like a hurricane lamp almost, with birch trees on it and a metal base in the shape of leaves.
Pottery from North Carolina, from my sister who lives there
A wedding frame for our wedding pictures, awww
Books about knitting!
A hand-made dice bag from my mom, it's really cool looking, I'll post pics
A signed copy of Storm Front, the Dresden Files book by Jim Butcher, signed with my name and a exclamation point! From our best man and his wife, who got it when Jim Butcher did a signing in Omaha. So cool!
And speaking of socks (I was, really!) I turned the heel on my knitted sock somewhere over Virginia, and picked up stitches for the gusset at my parents' house! It was surprisingly not as hard as I expected, I watched the sock videos on KnittingHelp about 10 times before I left, which really helped. The bottom of the sock is now 6 inches long, and I am almost to the toe! It fits on me now, though it's tight, and I will take pics but I need a pedi first :) It's soooo pretty, I love the yarn, I love the sock, and I am blown away that I fiddled with string for a while and now I can keep my heel warm with it!
I'm planning to get a pedicure and a haircut with Christmas monies, I think it's been about a year since I got a haircut. My hair is really long, longer than it's been since high school, but the ends need to be trimmed and evened out. I'm not sure how long I want it for the wedding, so I'll keep the length until I decide.
Overall it was an awesome vacation, though we were both glad to be back in our own homes and beds and once again be in charge of what we do and when. Travel is nice, not least when you come back.