Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A morning with the dentist

So I went for my semi-annual teeth cleaning this morning, and I have no cavities! Yay! All that brushing and flossing is working! Except as the hygenist was poking around with her little metal pick, she poked a sensitive spot and said that my gum is receding from one of my teeth in one spot. She had the dentist look come and look at it, and as soon as he saw it he told me I need a graft. I asked what caused it, and he said it might be a reaction to the braces I had taken off a year ago.

So, ick ick ick! I can't even think about what a graft entails. I'm just going to demand to be unconscious for as much of it as I can, including the entire healing process. Just wake me up next spring, really, I'll be fine.

I mean, it's not like I have a lot of extra gum tissue just lying around, where is it going to come from I don't even want to know don't tell me la la la .

And it's not like I can even ask for that much sympathy, my poor mother has had a root canal, a tooth break off at the gum line and two crowns put on this year.

I hate dental work. Although I like having teeth.

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