I hate being sick argh argh argh. I got an H1N1 flu shot Monday morning and started feeling yucky, by Tuesday my head was congested and pounding and my joints were achy and then I managed to twist my back in a weird way and pulled something I think. Stayed home from work Tuesday, which sucks because I don't get nearly as many sick days as I think I should have now, and tried to come in yesterday but ended up leaving at noon and going home and crashing.
I feel betterish today, but I hate complaining about my back hurting and being sick so instead I shall complain about weddingness!
I want to be done with the wedding planning already! I've planned so much why is there still more! We have the reception place, the ceremony place, the officiant finally, the photographer the DJ the hair and makeup people, my dress is in my closet with my shoes, my brideswomen have ordered their dresses, and I even just got some slinky things to wear on the honeymoon that look even better on than I was expecting. I am ready to be done! But there are still flowers and invitations and transport and the tuxes to go.
It's been kind of surprising actually, finding out what I really care about for the wedding and what I'm like, meh whatevs it will be fine. The cake, for example, I love to bake and I love desserts, I thought I'd be more interested in the cake. It comes with our reception package, though, and the place we're having it at has awesome food and awesome desserts, so I'm pretty happy to leave it up to them. We'll pick flavors when we do our whirlwind visit in March, and probably a shape and some sort of decoration, but I'm really not thinking about it too much. I think Ben actually cares more about it than me, which is fine.
The flowers are boring me to tears. I don't care about them, I don't want to look at pictures of centerpieces, I don't want to decide anything about them. I just want white roses and blue hydrangea to magically appear there and be pretty and casually elegant and not look overdone.
But then we ordered our wedding rings this weekend. I was not expecting to feel so emotional about them, but just knowing that soon we will be able to see them and hold them and wear them sends shivers down my spine. Soon I will have the ring that has the other half of our pattern on it, and he will have the ring with the perfect mirror image of it, that complements mine perfectly and that no one else will ever match. Our rings are gorgeous and I love them. They're one of the only things I'd picked out before we actually got engaged.
We also need our plane tickets to Hawaii for the honeymoon, actually. I should look into that too.
Quiet week
3 days ago
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